Minimalism is more than leaving stuff out, in fact ... minimalism is a state of mind.
Websites - Kein Medium sonst, bietet ein derart breites Spektrum an Kommunikations­kanälen
Sich Informationen aus dem Netz zu beschaffen ist gewöhnliche Alltagshandlung ... Stehen Sie berei
Das Internet ist dynamisches Wissen. Es gilt : Existenz durch Informationspräsenz.
Joomla! - CMS für einfache Webseiten bis zu komplexen E-Commerce oder Social Marketing Sites für M
Es spielt eben doch eine Rolle, ob Ihr Unternehmen auch im Internet vertreten ist oder nicht!
Websites sind schlichtweg essenzieller und integraler Bestandteil moderner Kommunikation ...
Websites sind eine jederzeit leicht verfügbare Quelle an Information für Interessenten. Nutzen Sie
40%-55% aller Internetsurfer sind heute mit mobilen Endgeräten im Netz.

Joomla! CMS (Content Management System) Extension (Erweiterung) - Komponente, Modul, Plugin

  • Mobiloptimiert für: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Handheld, Phone
    Technologien: Joomla!, Joomla! extension

    Lab5 Mobile Videos - Player Module for Mobile Devices, Flash enabled and HTML5 no-Flash Browsers in particular.
    Lab5 Mobile Videos - Project Page
    Konzept, Design, Umsetzung/Programmierung der Software.

  • Lab5 Mobile Videos - Player Module for Mobile Devices, Flash enabled and HTML5 no-Flash Browsers in particular.

    {phocadownload view=file|id=6}

  • Lab5's Captcha - Simple but effective Captcha that is COMPLETELY INDEPENDENTt from any external service! Only needs Joomla! and PHP, nothing else!

    {phocadownload view=file|id=20|target=s}

  • DSGVÖ - Datenschutz konforme Joomla! Website deutlich leicht(er) gemacht - Cookie Kontrolle für Joomla! Websites.

    DSGVÖ / GDPR Compliant Use of Cookies - Easily adjustable and extendable plugin.

    {phocadownload view=file|id=21|target=s}

  • LESS Compiler for Joomla - 2019 edition - Oyejorge + leafo less compiler inside.

    Live Compilation of LESS files to CSS.
    This Plugin compiles your .less to .css automatically ! It detects, when .less files were changed and then starts the compilation automatically ( ofc you can also force to always compile if you wish ). Also includes a compressor option ( as well as other options ).

    {phocadownload view=file|id=23|target=s}

  • Lab5's simple Google Maps Streetview Panorama Module. No need for a google maps api key or anything.  Just take any Pano URL - directly from Google Maps - and transfere the 2 values for  latitude and longitude into your module's setting and that's all you need to start. There are more setting available for you to adjust your panorama module(s), but they are all optional and not necessary.

  • Page Navigation With Titles enables you to
    substitutethe button labels 'Next' and 'Previous' of the Joomla! pagenavigation
    withthe real titles of the articles these buttons link to.

  • RankNameFromScore
    1Michael Schmid
    schmizz productionz
    2Adam DeAloeUSA50$
    3Marek MayerGermany25$
    4Denis ChappeletSwitzerland20$
    5William StantonUK20$
    6Virginia GarnitzUSA20$
    7JD Internet MarketingUK15$
    8AVCN Services LLCUSA10$
    9André RüssmannCH7.5$
    10Andrea TramontiniItaly5$
    10Sven KollmorgenGermany5$
  • Übercompressor CSS - One plugin to rule them all, to find them, to compress them all and into the cache to bind them.

    Powerful StyleSheet CSS compressor, CSS minifier and unifier.

    The purpose is to speed up page loading time. Significantly.

    This Joomla! plugin reduces massively the number of requests a browser has to complete, before properly being able to display the page in a css styled manner. PLUS the plugin reduces the overall mass of data needed to be transfered to the browser, so the request naturally gets completed faster.

  • Übercompressor HTML - Speeds up pageloading significantly.

    Powerful StyleSheet HTML compressor, HTML minifier / compressor.

    The purpose is to speed up page loading time significantly.

    This Joomla! plugin speeds up the rendering time in browsers and reduces on the other side the mass of data needed to be transferred by removing unneccesary whitespaces, linebreaks etc. from the webpage's fundamental html, thus speeding up the transfer of the page from server to browser.