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Integrates "Slimbox 2" into Joomla! for intuitive Lightbox functionalities

joomla 1.6joomla 1.7joomla 2.5joomla 3.0

Integrates the famous "Slimbox 2" script ( by digitalia.be ) into Joomla!, where Slimbox 2 itself is a visual clone of the popular Lightbox 2 script by L.Dhakar, written using the jQuery javascript library.

Options overview :
Auto-Activation, Auto-Fix URLs, noConflict

Integrations overview :
Flickr, Picasa, Android Market

Example :
example image


Basic-Options :

  • Auto-Activation : Automatically adds Slimboxes/Lightboxes to links which point to images.
  • Fix URLs : Automatically fix URLs containing invalid characters.
  • NoConflict : jQuery no-conflict option.

Integrations :

  • Flickr Integration : Automatically integrates Flickr thumbnails with Slimbox.
  • Android Market Integration : Automatically integrates Android Market URLs with Slimbox.
  • Picasa Integration : Automatically integrates Picasa Web Albums thumbnails with Slimbox.



Recomended Setting :

Activate "Auto-Activation". With "Auto-Activation" on, you only have to point a link directly to an image, and the result will be a link that opens the respective image in a lightbox.


Advanced Lightbox-Linkage : Create individual lightbox-slideshows by grouping.

By default, you can slide through all images linked to lightboxes on a page from right within an open lightbox.

But if you wish to group images to seperated slideshows there is a way to do this, by modifying the "rel" attribute of the pointing link like this :

from (standard):
<a href="/link/to/image.jpg" rel="lightbox">Linktext</a>
to something like this:
<a href="/link/to/image.jpg" rel="lightbox[groupname]">Linktext</a>

where "groupname" is optional and all lightbox-links with the same "groupname" will be connected in one lightbox-slideshow.

You can alter the rel-attribute right in the link-editor (see here).


After installing, remembter to activate the plugin from within the Extension-Manager -> Plugins.

Here you can also set all the various options and activate the special funtionalities mentioned above.


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sponsor time to hack more opensource: <3 <3


Top 10 Supporters

1 Michael Schmid
schmizz productionz
Switzerland 70$
2 Adam DeAloe USA 50$
3 Marek Mayer Germany 25$
4 Denis Chappelet Switzerland 20$
5 William Stanton UK 20$
6 Virginia Garnitz USA 20$
7 JD Internet Marketing UK 15$
8 AVCN Services LLC USA 10$
9 André Rüssmann CH 7.5$
10 Andrea Tramontini Italy 5$
10 Sven Kollmorgen Germany 5$

Thank you :3 You help me to afford licenses.